I can confidently say it varies on many factors including locale and parental gender, but I can't truly give you an accurate answer (although I found this great article that includes a nifty graph).
What I can provide is a fun tutorial for a tooth fairy sized letter and envelope that will make everyone think you have excellent penmanship (no writing is necessary) and will set the bar very high among your crew of mamas.
1. Begin by downloading the template. Open the file in Microsoft word or an equivalent program. You will probably need to zoom in because it's so tiny!
2. If you would like to use the same font that is shown in the the example pictures, you can download it here for free.
3. Double click on the address located on the envelope. Delete the example name and address and type your child's name and address
4. Double click on the body of the letter. Enter the correct date and the number of teeth lost (this was the first tooth lost so I put in Tooth #1). Highlight the example name and delete it. Enter your own child's name. Customize the message if you would like.
5. Click print setup. Make sure you have it set on the highest quality printing available. Otherwise it will print very grainy. Put the cardstock into your printer and select print.
6. Once you have the piece of paper with the letter and envelope printed on it, it is time to cut them out. You can use scissors, but if you have an exacto knife or rotary cutter you could use those as well.
7. After cutting out the letter and envelope, fold the envelope as pictured below. Glue should be applied with a glue stick or glue runner only on the purple shaded areas in the picture below. Make sure that the name and address are on the outside when you are folding
I hope that you enjoy this tutorial! I would LOVE to see your finished Tooth Fairy Letters! Tag me on instagram @BocoBaby!!!!!
Today is a special "What's in a Name" post, about an amazing little man. We feel honored to share the story of how Wade Wilson Ares (full initials WWAR) got his name, and how he's proven to be an incredible little warrior!
In the words of his mama, Nici:
When I was pregnant with my second child, my oldest is a boy, I was convinced that this one was a girl. We had a name for a girl picked out and were waiting anxiously to find out the gender. My husband and son were sitting next to me as my ultrasound started. Right away we saw that the baby was a boy. We hadn't chosen any boy names yet and I was anticipating the odd names my husband would want to name our son.
Our oldest's name is Thor and he has two middle names. So I thought we would give this boy two middle names and I would put together a list of names after comic book characters to avoid some odd suggestions from my husband. I wrote a few down and handed him the paper. He saw Wade Wilson right away and shouted, "I love Deadpool!" So Wade Wilson it was.
We still needed a second middle name and wanted his initials to spell something as our oldest's spell THOR. So we chose Ares, the Greek god of war, making his initials WWAR. Our son was born and he fit the name perfectly, I just didn't know how perfectly.
When my son was two months old, I noticed he couldn't lift his head up when he was on his tummy and he couldn't bear weight on his legs. After several months and urging doctors that something was wrong, my son was diagnosed with Spinal Muscular Atrophy Type 1. It is the baby form of ALS, a genetic disease that causes the wasting of muscles. My son was officially diagnosed at 6 months which was when he had to start eating by a feeding tube because he was losing his swallow. He would never sit up, walk and probably will not talk. 90% do not live after age 2, but doctors expect them to pass away before their first birthday. We were devestated, but decided we would do whatever it took for our child.
My son was in the hospital for the third time in 4 months. A common cold could take his life and puts him in the hospital. An x-ray tech came in and we were talking about Wade's name. I told him about Wade's initials spelling "war" with an extra w and about his middle name being the god of war. He looked at me for a second and replied, "you knew somehow he would be fighting a battle and gave him such a fitting name."
I will never forget that and it has really touched my heart. My son is 18 months old. He has been hospitalized 7 different times and intubated three times. He has completely stopped breathing before and has had several close calls. The doctors that once told me that there was nothing they could do and that I would see my baby in heaven, are now telling me how he is breaking all the odds.
He is a fighter, his name says so.
Thank you, Nici, for sharing your strength as a warrior mama right along your warrior boy, Wade Wilson. We wish Wade, Thor, you, and your husband many more blessed memories together!
A huge thank you to everyone who sent us their "What's in a Name" entries - every tale about how you came to name your sweet babes brought a huge smile to our faces! We look forward to sharing more of your stories in the coming weeks.
Today we'd like to share the story of how super precious Ziva Pearl was given her name. In the words of her mama, Sarah (@Sarah_ivy):
Our little girl, Ziva Pearl, is only 2 months old now and we are totally and completely in love. Here is the story behind her name:
I had been set on a couple of names since the beginning of my pregnancy and assumed we would choose one of them once our little one arrived, my husband on the other hand wasn't sold on the ones I had chosen. We discovered a Jewish baby naming app and went through each name, from A-to-Z, reading them out loud to each other. When we got to the last name, Ziva, it just spoke to us. We experienced a loss with our first pregnancy about a month before we became pregnant with our Ziva.
Ziva means glow, brilliance, or light in Hebrew, and she is the ray of light and hope that came into our lives so soon after the loss.
We waited until she arrived to be sure that she look like a Ziva. It fits her perfectly. She's a calm, alert, and happy baby. We love calling her Z or Zizi for short!